
GAT Contracted to Treat Water and Solids from Water Retention Pond

GAT was contracted to treat the water for soluble metals removal and dewater the dredged sediments from a process water retention pond at a power generation facility in Florida. The process water was high in Iron and other metals preventing the ability to discharge even with storm water added. The solution; dredge the pond to remove settled process solids and treat the water to remove the soluble metals. GAT provided a treatment program that produced aquatically safe water that met discharge limits. The treatment process matched the insoluble particle created from the metals removal and the solids in the pond. GAT treated the water based on the incoming flow rate and provided on site testing to ensure the effluent met project expectations. GAT provided a fully automated system that allowed the process of metal removal and sediment flocculation to occur in the pipeline concurrently. The GAT automated system measures flow and density conducting calculation for dosage several times per second. This allows for extremely accurate treatment which produced reduction levels exceeding expectations and geo-textile bags that passed paint filter tests in just a few days.

GAT Successfully Processed 7,192,491 Gallons of Water at a Rate of 1200 GPM

GAT successfully processed more than 7 million gallons of water, which was treated to convert the soluble metals to insoluble and coagulate the metals. The coagulated metals were then treated with a flocculant that bound them to the solids being removed. This

agglomeration of material that was created was large enough to be contained in a geotextile bag allowing the now clean water to escape the pores of the geotextile fabric. The dosage of polymer was controlled by GAT,s automated system ensuring the particle size created was not too small which could blind the pores of the geotextile bag and cause water entrapment and or entrapped water in the matrix of particles making the center of the bag stay hydrated with clean, free water not being able to pass around the particles. In an overdosed situation the geotextile bags are blinded off by the excess polymer, and the material entrapped in the geotextile bag also stays hydrated due to the viscosity of the water makes it unable to pass through or around the particle matrix. The exact dosage of polymer provided by GAT at the exact second needed and for the entire project makes it, so all the particles created that are in the bag from the center to the edges allow for the clean, free water to be able to migrate through the material and out of the bag. This makes the geotextile bags dewater in days, not weeks or months.

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Incoming Iron was 6.5 – 8 ppm


Discharge water directly off the geotextile bag was < 0.150 ppm
